Vitrochem specializes in cleaning installations, machines and devices from all kinds of contaminants. Our company has developed a comprehensive chemical cleaning technology for cooling systems, industrial machines as well as all types of heat exchangers. As one of a few companies on the market we provide non-standard services involving a high degree of precision.
Our offer includes a wide spectrum of services:
-rust removal
and comprehensive services eliminating several problems from the circuit
Example phases of a service:
- preliminary rinsing of the circuit
- degreasing the circuit
- re-rinsing the circuit aiming at obtaining an appropriate pH
- descaling
- rinsing with softened water
- rust removal
- rinsing with a cleaning agent
- passivation
We take an individual and dedicated approach to each cleaning service. We begin with a careful examination of the cleaned facility by means of a comprehensive water analysis aimed at problem identification.
Having obtained accurate information concerning the condition of the circuit, we select the technology, prepare the plan in the form of phases, we also decide which products to apply throughout the process.
Our technicians handling a given service, continuously monitor the parameters of the working fluid which allows for a full control of the processes occurring in the cleaned element.
Example service involving circulation of the circuit, descaling, rust removal and passivation.
Water storage tank prior to the cleaning service.
Water storage tank following the service
Contact us in order to have the examination performed and to obtain the cost estimate.
Our experts will advise you and answer all your questions.
Text us!